Kind of Excited!
Kind of excited!
New deal, new park.

Mobile Home Parks And Recessions: A Primer
Mobile Home Parks And Recessions: A Primer
Many economists predict…

Mobile Home Investors: A Checklist to Ensure Profitability
Investor Checklist
When investing in a mobile…

Mobile home ownership has 3 different types...
There are 3 different types of mobile home ownership..

10 Proven Steps to Optimal Lead Generation
10 Proven Steps to Optimal Lead Generation
What do all successful…

Rental prices are edging their way up...
High rental prices are itching their way up..
However, in an…

Why you should always hire a contractor with a license...
A quick contractor nightmare story:
This is a Real World, "In…

Being a landlord when financing houses and mobile homes has its challenges...
Being a landlord has its many challenges!
Sometimes we buy,…

Real estate prices are INSANE right now...
What you can get in every state for the price of a California…

The worst things you can possibly do in real estate business is to underestimate.
Believe me, there are PLENTY of places you can underestimate:…